Pictured: An intermixed & interchanged assembly prior to leak testing
What sounds better to you- sitting through a drawn out sales pitch, or simply seeing something for yourself firsthand at your own convenience? Well unless you enjoy overspending we’re betting the latter and we tend to agree with you. So we recently went live with a new section on our site we’re calling our ‘Performance Center’. Here we showcase technical data and some firsthand testing as we skip past the sales pitch to show you (rather than tell you) how our tube fittings perform.
We sell lots of fittings to customers that historically used only the established legacy brands. Not only do our tube fittings seal onto tubing reliably, they also integrate directly with the other major brands of tube fittings. Leak-free performance & compatibility are very important to us. Our customers don’t keep coming back because our fittings leak. It’s simple- our fittings perform leak-free at a substantial cost savings.
Making smart buying decisions also requires knowing what value you’re getting out of your current supplier. Ever get the feeling you’re being gouged on price? On top of those high prices, ever feel like you’re getting nickel & dimed even further with other charges and fees? How do you really know if it’s all worth your hard-earned money? This is where our ‘Tube Fitting Knowledge Hub’ breaks down fact vs. fiction. Check it out, at the very least you’ll pick up some inciteful knowledge to bring to the table.
We’ll be continuing to expand on our 2-prong approach of proving our fitting performance while also providing market insight. Look for new tests to be added or request your own specific test. Even better- get straight to the point and request a free tube fitting sample to hold in your own hand and try out yourself. We’ll ship it out the same day.
Proving performance while providing insight- has a nice ring to it. Anyways that’s all for now, talk soon!