Pictured: 1/16” Male Connector alongside a 2” Male Connector
Somewhere along the way the old phrase ‘you don’t call anymore’ turned into ‘you don’t blog anymore’. But when’s the last time you called? Just kidding, admittedly the keyboard has been cold on this front and we’re clearly overdue for an update but for all the right reasons. Over the past few months we’ve dedicated ourselves to making up for lost time, maybe at the expense of some REM sleep but it’s been worth it. Here are a few things we have to show for it:
We’ve more than tripled the number of parts we keep in stock to over 800 individual part numbers. Our minimum stocking quantities on common tubing, valves & fittings has increased 3x as well
We’ve oxygen cleaned over 1,000 valves & fittings and began proactively stocking common valves, fittings & tubing pre-cleaned for O2 service
Our product offerings have expanded with the addition of med/oxy cleaned copper tubing, coiled & jacketed copper tubing, PFA and & other plastic tubing, metal hoses, push-on rubber hose & fittings, sanitary x tube fitting adapters, and custom height tube supports
Lastly we’ve expanded our staff and invested in our facility to support our expanding growth moving forward
Coming up expect some new content on our site that will help you make informed buying decisions. Our goal is to use facts and actual demonstrations rather than try to tell you or even worse, sell you.
Amongst other content our ‘Tube Fitting Performance Center’ will host videos of us testing our products here in-house for you to see for yourself. Then our ‘Tube Fitting Knowledge Hub’ will bring industry facts and a bit of technical info to the table. Our 2nd white paper KCWP 2: Port Connectors is a little preview of the type of material we’ll have up there.
Expect another update here in the coming days, see you then!
(yeah we’re not sure how long ‘coming days’ is either but it sounds like very soon)